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Caribbean Earth Building Immersion 2024 (Recap)

In August of 2024, OneRegeneraion in collaboration with Wa Samaki Ecosystems, hosted a 7 Day Earth Building Immersion (EBI) in Trinidad and Tobago.

Here is a bitesize look at the EBI:

The Team

Celine working on a clay oven
Celine working on a clay oven

Celine R was the main instructor and expert in natural building, a once resident artist on the permaculture demonstration farm, WaSamaki Ecosystems. She has many years of experience working with the medium, clay. 

Nine empties a bucket of clay freshly harvested
Nine empties a bucket of clay freshly harvested

Rodje “Nine” M was the main administrator and support instructor. He represented the

One regeneration team.

Suzzie and Erle discuss the first layer of cob walls in Forever Home
Suzzie and Erle discuss the first layer of cob walls in Forever Home

Suzette E supported both instruction and administration, she provided pastoral care for everyone on site and led group meditations.

Erle R N, the permaculture extraordinaire, was on hand as a community resource and guardian of “permaculture archives” to answer questions, clarify concerns, illuminate theory and build rocket stoves with adobe :) 

Chef Maleah (left) and family
Chef Maleah (left) and family

Chef Maleah and Kenneth, supplied wholesome farm-cooked vegetarian meals everyday to the enjoyment and nourishment of participants and the team.


The Format

The EBI blended theory and practice, staying true to its design.

Days began at 9:00 am and ended at 4:00 pm give or take. Opening mediations started the day in the classroom setting and participants then trekked to the construction site.


The Site


The Participants 

Overall, the immersion attracted 23 attendees representing 7 countries and retaining 18 participants in the full 7 day immersion.

While the majority of participants were resident in Trinidad and Tobago, some flew into the country to attend from St. Lucia, Grenada and the U.S.A. Wider connections included Jamaica, Italy and Germany.

Groups for final challenge
Groups for final challenge

The Content 

Key Content Covered

What is earth building

Embodied energy

A look at appropriate materials and equipment available

Different techniques and styles of natural/earth building

What is cob and how to use it

Harvesting clay

How to mix and apply cob via draping technique

What is adobe and how to make adobe (bricks)

How to make a rocket stove using adobe

How to make and apply natural plasters

How to prepare bottles for use in creating bottle walls



Food- Freshly made vegetarian meals by Chef Maleah (lunch was provided everyday)

Music- Talented guest musicians playing on the construction site and a mini music festival finale to the EBI

Community- The emergence of a talent pool and support group woven into friendships

Surprise challenge- unexpected final projects on the last day. People were paired or grouped and assigned specific tasks, set to time, and culminating in a brief oral presentation to the wider group when completed. This was the opportunity to apply, independently, what had been taught and scaffolded prior

Resources- Class material like presentations and videos were shared for future reference

Service learning- For a period of three weeks post the EBI, participants who were interested in practicing the art of cobbing and plastering, had the opportunity to sign up for a minimum of 5 days or a maximum of 7 days to now support other smaller earth projects on site as “crew”. Some of these projects included, for example, replastering the walls of a compost toilet and completing the benching work under a gazebo. 

What People Said About the Experience

In 2017 I took my first PDC and learnt about earth building. I was fascinated and encouraged to go to Costa Rica to volunteer and learn more. In 2024 I made up my mind and cashed out the insurance I had left determined to make Costa Rica happen in March. Bills took over and suddenly my dream envelope was empty. I had no idea that everything would turn around for me at the end of the year and I would have this magnificent opportunity right at home. What I was seeking was seeking me. Thank goodness! - Danielle H


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