Breadfruit Sweet Potato Pudding
Dorienne Rowan-Campbell
A traditional Jamaican dessert with a regenerative flair

Dorienne Rowan-Campbell
Sweet Potato Pudding, AKA Hell a Top, Hell a Bottom, Hallelujah in the Middle. Named so for its unique cooking method.
Sweet potato (grated) 2lbs
Yam or Coco (grated) 1/2lb
Breadfruit flour 1/2 cup
Baking powder 1 tsp
Raisins 1/4 lb
Evaporated milk 4oz
2 coconuts worth of coconut milk (about 5 cups)
Brown sugar 1 cup
Nutmeg 2-3 tsp
Vanilla 2/3 tsp
Rum and/or sweet wine 1/2 cup
Butter 1oz
Grease your pudding pan.
Mix together your sweet potato, yam, breadfruit flour, baking powder, and raisins.
Mix milk, sugar, vanilla, nutmeg, butter, and alcohol together and then add to breadfruit flour and sweet potato mixture.
Pour into your pan.
Get your coals going in your coal pot or grill, not too too hot.
Put the pan on the coals or on a piece of metal on the coals.
Put a metal cover on the pan and add live coals on top. Keep the coals going.
Mine took about 1 3/4 to 2 hours to cook. This recipe brings us back to Old Jamaica when most, if not all, of out starched were grown in our or our neighbor's fields. When life was simple, food was healthy, and everyone got to bed early!

Breadfruit Recipes & Ideas
A collection of dishes using Breadfruit & Breadfruit Flour submitted by people from across the Caribbean and beyond.